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PR Planning!

Planning is a part of our daily lives, and we find ourselves planning everything from doctor's visits to our everyday tasks. Public Relations specialists also do a lot of planning, but it is high stakes planning.

PR communicators have to plan to assist their clients, so every decision they make is to further the organization they are working for. In order for the plan to be implemented, Public Relations communicators must figure out their objectives.

The first step that a PR must take, is to ask what are we trying to do? That is how they find their objective. Then, they have to make sure that it is achievable. Also, the objective must address the situation you are trying to fix or create, and it must be measurable. An important aspect to figuring out an objective is to remember what the organization has already established and trying to build off of that.

There are two important objective styles, motivational and informational. The informational objectives usually try to inform the public about what that organization is doing, whereas the motivational objectives are trying to sway you one way or another.

Public Relations planning is very important, because if PR's didn't plan then things would not get done as fast or as good. You can see this same importance for planning in our own lives.

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